A Comprehensive Guide to Outdoor Plants in Pakistan

Outdoor plants in Pakistan have now become a popular thing to make your outdoor greener and beautiful. You can find many types of plants that can make your garden and your door front attractive. Let’s now discuss the importance of outdoor plants. If you begin exploring outdoor plants in Pakistan, you will find numerous varieties in them. As these plants grow naturally without so much effort, these plants grow naturally in the habitat that suits them. Because of the outdoor plants, you can create a beautiful environment in which the wildlife can live. Different kinds of birds start living on the trees and grow. Besides this, fruit plants provide not only fruits but also wildlife.

Benefits of having outdoor plants in gardens and public spaces

Below, you will find the benefits of planting outdoor plants in gardens and public spaces

  • Maintains air quality
  • It provides shadow under the sun
  • Clean the air or reduce the pollution
  • Taking care of outdoor plants in the garden promotes your physical activity.
  • Sometimes, the outdoor plants in public places act as a meeting point for people to discuss.

Overview of the Popularity of Outdoor Gardening in Pakistan

Outdoor gardening in Pakistan is now promoting because people are now interested in committing to this job as a business. By planting outdoor plants, especially for fruits, they can contribute to the export of fruits. So, Pakistan can earn great revenue by promoting outdoor gardening and earning billions of dollars from it as revenue. In the year 2024, the overall revenue generated through it crossed $1.6 billion. 

Climate and Environment in Pakistan

Pakistan is an ideal country to promote outdoor gardening if you compare it with other countries in the world. The climate and environment in Pakistan facilitate the growth of fruits and other plants. If you jump into the details of the country’s topography, then you will observe that the southern regions remain dry and hot most of the year. However, the northern region remains cold. Besides the irrigation system, the natural monsoon rainfall benefits the plants with adequate water supply needed for their growth. 

How does climate affect outdoor plant choices?

Slight to moderate changes in the climate have the worst impact on outdoor plant choices. For example, due to global warming, Pakistan is currently facing a vast diversity in the selection of outdoor plants that used to grow. The hotter summers and colder winters have made it hard for the plants to survive in the scorching and cold climate. Also, the scarcity of water has become another major factor that affects the growth of outdoor plants. Plants that require an adequate supply of water will not be able to survive in extremely hot and cold climates due to less availability of water. 

Adapting to local conditions for optimal growth

On days, the growth of outdoor plants reflects the adaption to their local conditions. Therefore, plants need to adapt to the availability of natural resources. If sunlight is limited, then you can install fluorescent grow bulbs, which are costly but can provide enough light for the plants to survive. If suitable soil is not available, then you can add the nutrients and soil to the plants for their growth. If the natural resources for their optimal growth are not present, then you can use alternatives. 

Popular Outdoor Plants in Pakistan

Below, you will find the popular outdoor plants in Pakistan, as well as their brief descriptions. 

Acalypha Plant

This plant belongs to the herbaceous annual, and you can spot its presence in different areas of Pakistan. The Acalypha plant comes with beautiful red flowers. You need to keep this plant in direct sunlight, whether you keep it indoors or outdoors. 

Adenium Obesum Plant

This beautiful plant comes in a tree shape with wide, wide, and thick stems. You can plant Adenium Obesum to enhance the beauty of your outdoor garden or indoor patio because of its beautiful flowers. It delivers significant benefits to you, like improving your skin’s beauty and curing sores and ulcers. 

Aglaonema Or Diffen Plants

It comes with a unique variety of colors that make it look attractive. You can find Aglaonema Or Diffen plant in different colors. The change of color is due to the sunlight exposure. 

Alovera Plant

Alovera plant is one of the most common plants found almost everywhere in every house because of its numerous benefits. The application of Aloe vera gel can make your skin beautiful and glow. You shall plant aloe vera in direct sunlight. 

Apricot Plant (خوبانی)| Buy Apricot tree

The apricot plant generally requires a cooler environment to grow and survive, with a temperature range of 28 to 30 degrees. It grows in hilly areas. It requires loamy soil and irrigation throughout the summer season. Apricot is essential for gut health. 


The ASPARAGUS MARRY is a vegetable and also a herb commonly found in Pakistan. It comes with anti-inflammation properties and can cure different types of illness.

Bakain Tree

Bakain trees produce beautiful lilac flowers that bloom in their season. It requires a cool temperature to flourish. You shall provide moist soil for the tree and prevent too much watering for the tree. 

Burning Bush (لال جھڑی)

The Burning bush plant comes with red leaves. The ideal time for the growth of this plant is spring and fall season.

Cassia Nodosa Plant

Cassia Nodosa Plant is a spring-summer plant and has beautiful apple blossom flowers. 

Euphorbia Milii Plant

Euphorbia Milii plant is also called a crown of thorns. The plant helps cure asthma-related bronchial issues. 

Dracena Marginata

Dracena marginata is an evergreen plant with long leaves. Usually, people plant it for decorating purposes. 

Fern Plant

Fern Plant is a common household plant that requires cold temperatures to grow. It helps in purifying the air. 

Selecting the right outdoor plants

You will come across various factors that can help you select the right outdoor plants for you in Pakistan. Let’s go through them. 

Factors to consider (climate, space, soil type)

By considering these factors, you will reach the right plants. 


Some plants grow perfectly in scorching summer, and some might not be able to survive harsh winters. After planting the plant, you shall examine if it survives the climate then the climate is perfect for its growth. However, if its leaves wither off, then it is likely that it won’t survive. 


Space is another factor responsible for the growth of an outdoor plant. If you provide enough space for the plant to grow, then it will nourish and grow well. However, if it gets a small room to grow, then it won’t flourish; rather, it will die. 


The first thing to consider about soil is to go for soil testing, which will let you know the type of soil your outdoor garden has. After this, you shall put organic material in the soil to make it more fertile. For example, you shall add vegetable and fruit leaves, peels, etc.

Recommendation for Beginners

If you are a beginner, then go through the recommendations regarding the selection of outdoor plants in Pakistan. 

Size of Plant

Before selecting the outdoor plant, you should also know the plant’s nature. For example, some plants spread wide, and some spread tall. Thus, you shall choose a plant whose size matches your outdoor area. 

Disease Control

Plants can be prone to diseases, and sometimes, the diseases might not be visible to you. So, you should use sprays and chemicals that prevent the parasites from attacking the plants. 


One should know about the maintenance of the outdoor plants. Like, you must know when to water your plants, when to cut or trim their leaves, when to change their soil, etc. 

Plants that Require Minimum Care 

When you are selecting outdoor plants for your garden, low-maintenance plants are the best. Such plants require low care and will grow beautifully. 


To make your garden more greener, try to plant the hostas. Mostly, the plant requires moist and damp soil with shade to survive. You can get plants of different types that suit the outdoor place at your home. 


Lavender flowers, when blooming in your garden, make your garden attractive. The plant only requires sunlight and adequately drained soil. These two factors can let the plant survive in any climate. Also, you have to provide little water to it when gardening. 


Daylily is a beautiful flower plant that comes in a trumpet-shaped structure. You can get them in various colors. The best part of growing this plant is that it can retain any intensity of sunlight. Also, you shall provide it a well-drained soil. To maximize their growth, you should opt for the technique of deadheading, as it lets the flowers bloom more. 


A succulent plant is one of the distinctive kinds of a plant that always surprises people with its appearance. You will find this plant in a wide variety of shapes, colors, types, etc. this particular plant grows well in indirect sunlight and requires well-drained soil. By providing the plant with a bit of water, you can let it grow well. 

Caring for Outdoor Plants

If you put a little effort into caring for the outdoor plants, then you can make a plant grow and stay healthy. You can consider the factors that affect its health. 

Watering Guideline

You shall provide the outdoor plant with adequate water. You can use a chopstick and dip it in the plant soil to see how much water it drank. It will let you know the water requirement of the plant. On hot and sunny days, plants require more water than average. 

Light Requirement

For the growth of plants, sunlight is crucial. You shall always keep the plant under direct sunlight for at least six hours. However, some plants require shade. 

Soil and Potting

The soil types can vary from plant to plant. You can use the soil and pure compost to grow the plant. Besides this, for potting, you should use a container that has holes so that the water can drain through. 

Pest Control

You shall remove the extra weeds or dead leaves to make your outdoor plants clean. It will prevent the accommodation of pests. Also, you can spray the pest controls.

Seasonal Planting Guides

All outdoor plants are unique and require their specific season to grow. In such situations, you should always know which season is best for their growth. Some plants might grow in summer, some in winter, some in autumn, and some in spring. The outdoor temperature and air moisture matter a lot when considering their growth. Similarly, the water requirement varies from season to season. 

Planting Schedules

Generally, in Pakistan, the best planting schedule falls between the spring season and fall. During the spring season, the weather is great for the plant’s growth and survival. In the fall season, plants can grow well because of the warm soil. 

Similarly, you will know your gardening zone, which will let you know the best plants that grow in your region. Also, consider the type of plat you want to grow. 

Common Problems and Solutions

Below are some common problems regarding outdoor plants, and you can find the solutions to them, too. 

Yellow leaves

Are your plant leaves turning yellow? It might be an alarming condition for your plant. It happens due to improper water. Sometimes, excess and lack of water can cause the leaves to turn yellow. So, you can keep the plant in a pot that has holes that will provide a proper drainage system to the plant. 


The color of the plant leaves changes due to improper watering. It turns the leaves yellowish or brown, which is bad for the plant. With overwatering, the leaves turn yellow and mushy. You will experience a bad smell from its soil. At the same time, the underwater leaves will turn into a dropping shape. It will cause the soil to turn dry. 

To avoid these two conditions from happening, you shall keep monitoring the overall intake of the plant. Similarly, you can control the amount of water the plant requires. 

Pest Infestations

Pest infestation is a common occurrence in plants. Leaves might curl up, or the ripened fruits might decay. So, to prevent pests from infesting your plant, you should use chemicals that can kill them. You can also prepare a water-based bath for the plants and spray it to prevent pest attacks. 

Benefits of Outdoor Plants

Outdoor plants and flowers not only create a fresh, green outdoor space but also spread a beautiful fragrance. A walk around your garden will provide you with a relaxing and calming environment. 

Helps in mind relaxing: by interacting with the outdoor plants, your mind relaxes. It takes away the depression, stress, and negative thoughts. 

Cleans the air: outdoor plants help sweep away all the impurities of the air and make it pure and fresh. 

Noise reduction: Plants help reduce background noises. For example, the noise of construction and traffic is minimized because of the plantation of outdoor plants. 

Where to Buy Outdoor Plants in Pakistan?

To buy outdoor plants in Pakistan, you will find numerous options. 

Local Nurseries

Local nurseries provide you with seasonal fruits and other kinds of outdoor plants. They sell the plants according to the current season, which is best for the survival of the plants. You can also take proper guidance from the local sellers. 

Online stores

Online stores provide you with outdoor plants but are a little overpriced. That’s because they provide special packaging and special nutrients to the plants. 


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