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Foxtail palm


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The term foxtail palm most often employed to refer to Wodyetia bifurcata, is Foxtail Palm. This name comes from the extremely soft leaves this species is known for. They are shaped like the tail of a fox. They’re indigenous in the Queensland region, which is located in Northern Australia their curly and thin Pinnate tree is stunning and isn’t too large. In our area, a height for an adult of just twenty-five inches is feasible. This height may increase when you live in tropical areas. The species is a lover of sunshine and heat. Learn more about the latest innovations in nurseries for plants across all over the world.


Foxtail Palm Foxtail Palm is indigenous to the Cape Melville National Park in Queensland, Australia. The region is situated near the northern part of Cairns and Port Douglas. It is an area that is full of diverse natural wonders. It was a surprise that the specific Foxtail Palm remained undiscovered until 1978 the year that an Aboriginal individual was able to bring the species into public’s attention by the authorities. Palm experts across the globe had no idea about its existence. The official description of the species was published at the end of 1983. The story of the new plant was spread around the globe rapidly. First time that I was aware of it was in the beginning of the 1980’s, as an Australian brought a huge seeds along with anyone who was interested. As photos of the gorgeous palm arrived the world, there was a flurry of demand for the beautiful palm which would spread to several locations. The world was in a huge demand for seeds.

Demand for seeds was actually higher than the supply and there was an “black market” developed to sell seeds. There was a rumor that harvesting Foxtail Palm seeds was more lucrative than the illegal trade. The thief swarmed the area near the coast using inflatable vessels to take seeds. There was a report that there was an incident that a non-involved criminal took down a tree to get the enormous seeds. The incident led to the Australian government to act in order to safeguard the species, and making the seeds exportable. The supply of plant seeds which have been planted in different countries has met demands since the start of.


It is an indigenous national park that is located to the north of Cairns city in Queensland. The park is located within the Melvin Range in the Cape York Peninsula. The park is located in very soft, sandy soil that is surrounded by massive rocks. The area is located in the dry period, which means it has high temperatures.

The only area of this species that is only a single species. There isn’t any other species in the Genus. The soil that is found within the area that belong to the species are acidic. The natural stands can be found at altitudes that go up to 1000 feet. This area is extremely hot, and it thrives under all-day sunlight. They produce fruit during the Australian spring. Dry season lasts over a period of approximately 6 months and heavy rainfalls occur from December to March.


The tree is a thin with a crown-shafted middle-height pinnate palm, which is very attractive. You can have a height that matures to greater than 20 feet. It is however generally less than thirty feet. Leaf leaves are plumose. They have leaflets that emerge from stems at various angles. The color of leaves is green and the crown shaft is the color of silver as well as green. The trunks may appear to bulge towards their lower as well as their midsection.


The mature trees of the Foxtail have between eight to 10 leaves, and have a an average length that ranges from six to nine feet. They are characterized by their shorter petioles (leaf stems) and are not protected with armor or spines. Leaflets are evident from any angle within the 360-degree cross-sections of leaflets. Leaflets are small with a diameter of about 1 foot in length. They’re slit-edged (premorse) and when you do an inspection, appear slightly rough. But, due to the large amount of leaflets available they appear rich and full. The leaf color varies between green and dull, without any silver under leaflets. The average length of the crown in mature trees could range between 10 and 15 feet.


The species of tree features a crown shaft under the leaves, as illustrated in the images. This area is not decorated with a slough that’s made by wrapping and attaching to the base of the lower leaf to the crown shaft. This type of design is wrapped around all of the tree’s trunk. Many who appreciate crown shafts think they are attractive. The appearance of the shaft suggests that it’s “self cleaning”. That means that no cutting or cutting off of older leaves will be required. The leaves drop off themselves when they grow older.

Crown shafts are also responsible for making an appearance to the trunk “smooth”, another popular aspect. The crown shaft could be made of silver or color of silver and green. The dimensions of the trunk depends on the culture of the area, however the typical size is between 8 and 12 inches. It can be being a bit more. The trunk may become a bit larger in the middle of the trunk and also in the lower areas. The growth rings are evident, however they’re not obvious. The flowers are evident under the crown shaft.


It’s a type of monoecious of palm tree. This means that a single tree can produce the gender of flowers. This means that one tree can create seeds that can be suitable. The blossoms appear just beneath the crown shaft they branch and are either white or tan-colored. Pollen is dispersed by male flowers that are mature and then transferred into female flowers by insects or wind. The seeds that are present inside their embryos are green. At maturity, the fruits may be orange or red and the seed size is massive with a length of over an inch. If the seeds are taken away from the plant, they appear attractive with their long and thick groves of fibrous material that are evident. The color of the seeds can range from brown to black. (see the image below)


Sun Requirements:

The Foxtail palm, as in many areas, demands all-day sunshine. They are exceptionally shade-resistant and for many indoor activities do not fare very effectively. The one potential exception to this norm is found in desert hot regions where they can thrive in partial sunlight.

Cold Tolerance:

Most people think that Foxtails can be consumed only up to the point that they reach a freezing. However, there is no such thing. Wodyetias are capable of surviving temperatures that range from to mid-20s F. They are capable of surviving temperatures that are as low as 22, F. If a individual is cultivating King Palms, they are believed to be able to grow. King Palm, most likely they will also be able to grow the species known as Foxtail.

Heat Tolerance:

It’s important to remember that Foxtails love extreme temperature. They can comfortably withstand temperatures of 100 degrees F. Day. If you’re located in an area that is desert, it is recommended to take into consideration a having less than 100% sunshine to develop. They’ll be in a position to withstand the heat, however the sun could cause excessive heat for certain.

Speed of Growth:

In hot or tropical areas, the rate of growth is fast. Growth rate in the temperature zones is moderate. It is important to note that this isn’t necessarily the most mature tree. This is why you must consider the following. If you have a small tree (i.e. the seeds) is growing in the region is quite slow. They love hot temperatures and can cease to grow if they don’t have sufficient summer temperature.

Water Requirements:

It is my opinion that the water requirements for this species is about the same as palms. Because (in their environment) they can flourish in dry, long-term droughts it’s likely that it is possible for this species to be the first plant species to preserve water.

Tolerance of Salt Spray – Oceanfront:

The one we’ve looked at isn’t a good suitable for marine life within Southern California. It’s not that it isn’t expanding and spread, but rather problems with continuous tips of brown appearing on the leaflets and have a rather unfinished appearance. When one lives in a rural setting for some away, the problem will become less significant.


If you can satisfy the increasing demands for Foxtail Palm This can be a beautiful choice for your garden. It’s suitable for private homes of a home owner and commercial spaces, or for a plant that can create an area for a park along the streets or perhaps within an arboretum that has enough sun. The majority of them are planted as a single species. There are times when there may be a “multiple” specimen, but it is not common. The plant is anticipated to attain a height that approximately 25 feet with a diameter of the tree at least one foot. Also, except in desert areas, you must make sure your tree is able to in the present and for a long time to come will receive all the sunlight. This plant is employed for small plant space because the trunks are tiny and their leaves spread quickly across. It is recommended to plant it on the ground instead of containers. But, there are some who grow it to be a flower for their patios.


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