Banana Palm Plant | Buy Banana Palm


Banana palm


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Banana Palm Tree

Banana Palm Tree, scientific name Musa is one of the most sought-after trees in the world due to the fruit it produces, which is known as “banana”. It’s not just grown to cultivate bananas, it also provides outdoor spaces or landscapes the feeling of a tropical setting. Also, it isn’t technically thought of as a palm plant.


Banana Tree Info

The scientific name is Musa

Common names Common names: Common names: Banana Palm is commonly known by the names of Banana Tree, Plantain Tree as well as Plantain Palm.

Family: Musaceae

Origin: Banana Palm Tree is native to Southeast Asia.

The appearance of this palm features large green leaves measuring 4-6 feet long and 2 feet wide. The leaves are joined to the trunk via small stems. It is known as the Banana Palm has a clustered and cylindrical base of leaves in place of the trunk.

The palms have about 7-15 oblong-shaped leaves, which have veins of leaf running through the middle of the rib straight up to at the edges on the leaves. When the weather is windy, leaves break along veins making a feather-like appearance.

Flowers/Fruits: The flowering inflorescence is composed of a curved purple buds that grow higher than the final leaves, with an upright posture. When the buds open, the white flowers are arranged as double, whorls of flowers along the flower stalk.

Unisexual flowers are accompanied by deep green fruit that change to either red or yellow, based on the variety they mature. The fruits range between 3 and 12 inches long and 1-1/2 inches wide. Bananas begin to form in season of summer, and they are ready to eat until March of the next year. The fruit takes between 100 and 120 days to mature at the time of opening the bloom. Bananas can be altered and they have a an enticing taste once they are mature.

Growth Rate: Moderate to Fast. Musa may grow up to 20- 30 feet tall and about 1-5 feet wide.

Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both. It’s a wonderful home plant when it has enough lighting and water.

Cold Tolerance Banana Palm is cold-hardy and is tolerant of cold temperatures as low as 15 F. It’s a great plant to USDA Zone 8b (15 to 20 F) up to 11 (above 40 F).

Light Requirements: Full sun or some shade.

Water Req: Moderate. It requires moderate amounts of irrigation, but prefers drainage that is well-drained. It likes soil that is acidic.

Maintenance: Easy. Apply high-quality palm fertilizer with constant release twice per time during the growing season.

Insects and Diseases most significant problem facing Banana Tree is Panama wilt. Other than that, it doesn’t need much care and is in good health.

Replication: Banana Tree can be propagated through puppies.

10 Benefits Of The Banana Palm Tree

  1. Multi-purpose Use: Each part of the Banana Palm Tree is usable including its leaves, which are used for construction and cooking and its fruits for eating.
  2. Healthy Fruits Bananas contain a wealth of vitamins, like Vitamin C, potassium and fiber in dietary sources, which can aid general good health.
  3. Leaf usage: Banana leaves can be used to make biodegradable plates, or wrappers for food products, which reduce the amount of plastic that is disposed.
  4. Economic value: Production of bananas can be a major source of income in many nations in the tropical zone.
  5. The benefits of soil enrichment can be very beneficial for improving the health of soil because of the leaves that are decomposing and providing soil with the soil with nutrients.
  6. Energy Source: Banana byproducts such as the pseudo-stem are able to be utilized for the production of biofuel.
  7. The medicinal value of the plant is in traditional medical practices, components of the banana plant are utilized to treat a variety of ailments.
  8. Fabrication of Fiber: The tree trunk of the banana tree may be utilized to make premium quality textiles.
  9. Animal Food: Plant parts can be used as food, particularly to feed livestock.
  10. Beauty: Thanks to their huge leaf, beautiful leaves, and their exotic appeal the banana tree is great to beautify and landscape.



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